I am...still finding out.
I think...I can, if I try, if I want.
I know...more than I think I do. Not as much as I allow myself.
I want...to know, peace, confidence, love.
I have...love, direction, guidance, peace.
I wish...I knew.
I hate...unhappiness, pride, unkindness.
I miss...my dad, and my family.
I fear...the unknown, chainsaws, failure.
I feel...loved, crowded, alone.
I hear...buses, sirens all day long.
I smell....the ocean breeze.
I search...daily, for you, new things.
I wonder...how things would be different if...
I regret...not loving enough, caring too little.
I love...today.
I care...more than I should at times. Sometimes not enough.
I always...look for the good.
I am not...many things but I am okay with that.
I believe...most things are possible.
I dance...when I am happy, at halloween, when no one is watching.
I sing...all the time, mostly in my head so no one can hear me.
I don't always...want to but I will.
I write...my feelings better than I say them.
I win...when I least expect it.
I lose...if I don't try.
I never... knew things could be so difficult and so simple at the same time.
I listen... to music, all music, all day long.
I create...beauty.
I can usually be found...most of the time.
I'm scared of...things that don't really matter.
I read...a little. To learn, to find answers.
I am happy about...life, for what I've learned, and for things to come.
*Anyone else?*