Friday, October 31, 2008

Lieons and Tigirls and Bears...OH MY!!!

I have heard that "the road to happiness is paved with yellow brick". I am a believer that we are not just sent here to endure to the end, but to find and enjoy true happiness along the way.

There are things that I know will bring many blessings of happiness into my life. Obtaining these things are not as easy as I'd like to think they should be, I don't understand why things that are so meaningful and so great have to be so complicated and difficult or maybe it's just me that chooses the path that is not as smooth as the others may be.

4 years ago, almost to the day, I came across this nice yellow colored path. I took a few steps and decided I liked what I saw. As I journeyed on this yellow path, I have come across some obstacles. Some obstacles were only found by stubbing my toe, some caused me to trip and fall, some just took a little more energy to cross.

After each set of obstacles was a fork in the road that if chosen, would lead back to a familiar place much like the one I had started at before. I hated the thought of starting over again on a new unfamiliar path. I chose to follow the road I was on. I was confident that I would be able to overcome any obstacles that lay ahead. Although there were warning signs of tough times ahead. I chose to press on.

I have been blessed in many ways from choosing this path. I have learned great things, seen great sights and met some wonderful people along the way.

Now four years later, I have found myself again stumbling, struggling to keep my footing. Turns out this path I have been journeying on is actually more of a orangey-yellow. Yes, I may still be able to see great things or do great things if I stay on this path but the good times will hardly make up for all the hard ships it would take to get there.

I have made the decision to take the long road back to the beginning in hopes that I will be able to find a true yellow brick road that will lead me in the right direction to find true happiness.

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